Orbify changelog

Country Benchmarking System Risk update

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Country Benchmarking System Risk

The EU Commission is developing Guidelines that will provide precise definitions and aspects allowing for proper country level benchmarking. Currently, there’s no official categorisation available yet.

Until this is officially available, we have come up with a safe approach of estimating the country level risk based on the historical (2001-2023) rates of deforestation within a country. Known planted forests and timber extraction sites were excluded from the deforestation rate calculation.

Currently the risks are classified as:

  • Low - below 1% of deforestation

  • Standard - below 5% of deforestation

  • High - 5% (or more) of deforestation

Bug fixes

  • Fix problem with building the biodiversity hotspots layer for some locations

  • Fix issue with uploading specific SHP file setup

  • Improve the VCI (Vegetation Condition Index) map layer calculation performance

  • Improve distinction of specific protected areas in the map layers

  • Improve rendering of legends in the pie charts

  • Update protected areas with Italian (Regione Lombardia) protected areas