Orbify changelog

Bug fixes & Improvements

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  • Improved commodity plot identification: We've refined the labeling of commodity plots, improving the identification of areas containing resources like timber. This enhancement boosts the accuracy of compliance risk assessments.

  • Improved labeling of commodity plots: We've improved the descriptions related to the presence (or absence) of commodity resources within plots, providing users with clearer information.

  • Non-Permanence risk component performance: The Non-permanence risk component now retrieves results faster, enhancing user experience with quicker results access.

Bug fixes

  • Drought Risk Calculation: We resolved an issue affecting drought risk calculations in specific edge cases when using a particular image band.

Bug fixes

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Bug fixes

  • Performance improvements for workspaces with large number of reports

  • Minor fixes for printable map content

  • Fix issue with automated content ordering for printable (PDF) project reports

  • Fix problem with components sometimes not showing up properly on newly created reports

ARR new template

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We are happy to announce the release of the new ARR (Afforestation, Reforestation, and Revegetation) templates. These updated templates help users evaluate Carbon projects for compliance with Verra’s latest methodology (VM0047).

Key Changes

There are two templates to guide project developers through the VM0047 methodology:

  1. New Projects Template: For projects under 5 years old. It focuses on:

  • Suitability and eligibility of the project plot for an ARR project.

  • An estimate of the expected additionality of the project.

  • Project risks.

  1. Existing Projects Template: For projects over 5 years old. It focuses on:

  • Site conditions.

  • An estimate of the additionality of an ongoing project.

  • Climate risks.

Report sections

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We've just rolled out a fantastic new feature: Report Sections! 📊 🤩

Here's what you can do with Report Sections:

  • Organise Better: you can use the section tabs to organise the report content by breaking down the reports into more manageable parts 🔄

  • Improved Navigation: segmenting the reports into different sections improves readability and introuces a clear, logical structure 📚

  • Updated Templates: we're also updating all the existing report templates to make most of this new feature 🚀 This means you'll see the benefits right away, with a more organised look to your reports

Bug fixes

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  • Fix a problem with removing report components

  • Improve component search

Add support for asynchronous project data exports

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We’ve introduced a new - asynchronous - approach to handling data exports. In order to streamline the process and avoid potential browser timeouts when the data is preparing, the mechanism will instantenously schedule export data generation and will send an email notification, sharing a dedicated link to download all the already prepared data.

Minor bug fixes

  • Fix active report counter

  • Fix problems with reassigning trial to active paid subscription

  • Fix problems with median canopy height calculation

New Template - Climate Hazard Risks

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Orbify’s new template, designed to assess climate hazard risks, empowering organisations to proactively plan and respond to environmental threats with accuracy and efficiency. Here’s what the template´s features::

  • Flood Risk Analysis - Understand and mitigate flood risks with insights from weather data, historical events, and precipitation patterns.

  • Drought Risk Assessment - Proactively manage drought impacts by evaluating soil moisture, vegetation health, and precipitation deficits using advanced indicators.

  • Fire Risk Assessment - Stay prepared for fire threats by analyzing weather conditions, historical fire data, and extreme heat events wildfires management.

  • Natural Non-permanence risk - Combine all risk factors to identify high-risk areas, enabling robust planning and informed decision-making for resilient projects.

Minor bug fixes

Bug fixes

  • Use rounded values in median canopy height calculation

  • Fix drought risk calculation issues

  • Change labeling in EUDR Autocompliance tool ("non compliant" changed to "likely non compliant")

Country Benchmarking System Risk update

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Country Benchmarking System Risk

The EU Commission is developing Guidelines that will provide precise definitions and aspects allowing for proper country level benchmarking. Currently, there’s no official categorisation available yet.

Until this is officially available, we have come up with a safe approach of estimating the country level risk based on the historical (2001-2023) rates of deforestation within a country. Known planted forests and timber extraction sites were excluded from the deforestation rate calculation.

Currently the risks are classified as:

  • Low - below 1% of deforestation

  • Standard - below 5% of deforestation

  • High - 5% (or more) of deforestation

Bug fixes

  • Fix problem with building the biodiversity hotspots layer for some locations

  • Fix issue with uploading specific SHP file setup

  • Improve the VCI (Vegetation Condition Index) map layer calculation performance

  • Improve distinction of specific protected areas in the map layers

  • Improve rendering of legends in the pie charts

  • Update protected areas with Italian (Regione Lombardia) protected areas

Minor bug fixes

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Bug fixes

  • When there's no colour defined in Protected Area's properties its black

  • Update protected areas with Italian (Regione Lombardia) protected areas

  • Legend for SBTN Natural Lands colours are hard to distinguish